Saloon Brussels #03 – Culture Action Europe at Bozar
- by saloonbrussels
- posted juin 10, 2019
Let’s talk about cultural policy! On the awakening of the 2019 European elections, for the third Saloon Brussels event, we meet Saloon Member Rosa Pérez Monclús, Policy & Advocacy Director of Culture Action Europe (CAE), for an evening diving into the cultural policy world, an exchange between different parties of the cultural field(s).
The programme foresees a dialogue in three acts:
- EU Election results – so what about the future of culture? What can we do as a sector? Why don’t we do it?
- Next EU culture programmes – big current challenges in the European cultural cooperation and policy fields
- CAE strategic focus – key issues for the cultural sector for action
Culture Action Europe (CAE) is the major European network of cultural networks, organisations, artists, activists, academics and policymakers. CAE is the first port of call for informed opinion and debate about arts and cultural policy in the EU. As the only intersectoral network, it brings together all practices in culture, from the performing arts to literature, the visual arts, design and cross-arts initiatives, to community centres and activist groups.