Raya Lindberg is graduated in Art Philosophy (PHD Sorbonne, Paris). Raya LIndberg writes regularly on the relationship between Fine Arts and Live Art, for the Art press in France and Belgium. She teaches aesthetics, literature and digital humanity at Art schools in Belgium and at Universities in France (Université catholique de Lille, UPHF de Valenciennes). She regularly invited to speak as an image theorist.
Raya Lindberg developed her career as an international independent curator and researcher and founded the traveling artistic and research platform espace p( )tentiel. Confronting today’s mutations, this platform proposing and displaying an aesthetics driven by a social and environmental awareness. Having yet a vision of making differences has to go through changes both in space and cultural eras. The physical roaming that may then displace ideas of values and practical use are critical. If the global scene is perceived understandably as dramatic and staged, we may foresee a playing area in which Dramaturgy may be a way to approach social, economical or geographical modalities.
The artists are here invited to research and experiment on hybrid narrative objects stemming from reality. She is developing collaborations as a dramatist and curator directly with the artists on the writing of their proposals. She organised with espace p( )tentiel the exhibition: “We play, We Stage, We ‘re Enacting“, at FOCA, Jeonju, (Factory of Contemporary art) in South Korea, 2018. « Do not interrupt your activity“, transdisciplinary event, at La Générale Paris-Est, Paris, 2019. “Fiction territoriale“, at Pointculture, Brussels, September 2020. She has written several artist monographs, notably with the Belgium’s publisher La Lettre volée in Bruxelles. She is also invited to perform, and show on her own artistic’s projects, notably at the Olivier Meyer Gallery at Nantes, February / May 2022.