Ischa Tallieu

Director, curator and agent

Ischa Tallieu (°1972, lives and works in Brussels, Belgium) holds a Master in Art History and a Post-Graduate Specialisation in Theatre Studies.
From 1997 until 2014 she was director of Galerie Fortlaan 17 and since 2014 she runs Tallieu Art Office.
Tallieu Art Office works in various fields such as visual, installation and new media art, music, contemporary classical music, sound art and performing arts with a special interest in transdisciplinary projects and a focus on selection, promotion & communication, exhibitions, networking, consultancy, expertise and representation.
Since 2014, Tallieu Art Office & Ischa Tallieu continue to build upon the experience and achievements within the context of a promotion gallery. From 1989 until 2014, Galerie Fortlaan 17 earned its position in the contemporary arts world, constantly reinforcing its reputation thanks to high-profile exhibitions, projects, publications, involvement in international art fairs, performances, debates and lectures.