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Lola Meotti

Artist, curator and teacher

(1986) graduated in Arts from ISBA Besançon in 2007 and decided to continue her studies in Brussels at ENSAV La Cambre and went on to a Masters in Photography (2009) and a Masters in Sculpture (2011). From her studies, Lola Meotti participated in various group and individual exhibitions and continued her career as a visual artist and performer.
As an artist, his fields of research revolve around the notion of transversality of practices. She thinks of her performances and installations as the result of conversations, meetings with professionals from both the art world and activities identified as “non-artistic”. Flirting with codes and labels, she tries to activate a collective memory around myth and the quest for identity.
Beyond her work as an artist, Lola also translates this commitment to the question of multiple statuses through personal investment in the dissemination and emergence of young artists. In this context, she is developing a professional practice which ranges from support as a curator and exhibition producer, but also as a teacher in various higher education establishments.
In this experience, she worked between 2011 and 2017 in collaboration with Pierre-Olivier Rollin on various exhibitions of the BPS22 art center, became executive curator of the ENSAV la Cambre exhibitions (since 2014, ex: All in one at Kanal in 2019) and is an associate artist at Les Halles de Schaerbeek (2016-2017). When she left BPS22 and Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Lola Meotti developed her career as an independent curator and founded the traveling artistic organization platform La Réserve in Brussels (more than 10 exhibitions and events between France and Belgium 2018-2020) . In 2017, she also assisted Toma Muteba for the Lubumbashi Biennial (RDCongo) and carried out a creation residency in Hong-Kong (Hong-Kong Art center) with Yang Hao.
She is organizing, from an invitation of CWB Paris, an exhibition in collaboration with Aurélie Faure at the Friche de la Belle de Mai in Marseille in 2020, “Signal, espaces réciproques . ”