She studied photography at the « Institut des Beaux Arts Saint-Luc » in Liège.
In 2004 she exposed to the biennale of photography at « the Museo de Bellas Artes » in Santiago of Chili. In 2007, she received the cultural award « Coup d’éclat » by the Province of Liège.
Taking photography as a process of dialogue, the hallmark of Laetitia Bica’s work is the active role that she assigns to her models and the originality of her compositions.
Using the camera to blur boundaries, the young artist vocalizes instincts to produce images where every introspection reflects an event, an encounter, an emulsion.
Close to musicians, designers, filmmakers and artists, she is an accomplice of a new generation, characterised by its inventiveness, integrity and desire for exploration.
Inclusive and human, Laetitia Bica’s vision is stimulating and appealing, avoiding conflicts to underscore harmony.